Looking forward to small milestones has held my life together and sitting tiny reminders on a shelf has helped me focus on what I have achieved or remember what lies before me to accomplish. Some people do not need such reminders but I do. Some people need a morning cup of coffee to start their day but I don’t. I am thinking my shelf will be of benefit to me long after coffee has energized my family, friends, and neighbors.

     The little blue elephant and its ceramic companion, a little pink donkey, were treasures from early childhood years. The little blue elephant belonged to me and the little pink donkey was my sister Jean’s possession. Neither of us remembers how we came to be the proud owners of those pieces but it is easy for us to recall seeing them sitting on a tiny shelf above the kitchen sink in our Mckay Street home.

     That little blue elephant has traveled with me through many states and years. I feel I am a wiser and blessed person for having it on whatever shelf in whatever room it happens to sit.