There has been no need for me to spend untold finances on purchasing first-class world tour tickets because friends and students brought the world to me.
When Heidi spoke of living in Africa and her great love for the children there, I stood beside her and saw their smiles and heard their laughter.
Costel ushered me along the streets of Romania and I marveled at the marvelous architecture.
Aljassim pointed to the wonders of Bahrain and I thanked him for his knowledge.
After a conversation with Gene about historic England, I joined a group of archeologists and stood in the shadows of Stonehenge.
Anna Marie invited me to travel the German countryside after she finished herĀ Autobon painting.
Ray escorted me along the rows of his vegetable garden planted behind his Canadian cabin.
After Natalia painted Bear Mountain, I learned great respect for the Ukraine wilderness.
In quiet hours, I often reflect on the great debt I owe to these and many others for their kindness of sharing sharing their lives and stories with me.
I thank my tour guides each time I rewind one of my mind movies and they once again bring warmth to my day.