It was nighttime and my family was sitting in the living room of the small bungalow where we lived near our Poplar Level Road Grocery Store. Blackout shades were down as there was to be an air raid practice that evening. I recalled from my days living on Preston Street that this was a serious affair much discussed by adults.

     My father answered a knock at the door and was told by the Air Raid Warden that light was showing from the house.

     It turned out the culprit for the violation was the light from our kerosene heating stove Its clear front allowed the glow to be seen around the edge of one of our blackout shades. The shades were adjusted and although the night proceeded without further incident, it was recorded in my early childhood memories.

     Had it not been for that incident, I would not have remembered the bungalow had blackout shades or that an Air Raid Warden patrolled the neighborhood. And I would not have remembered our bungalow had a kerosene heating stove.